401 Cooper Landing Rd Suite C17
Cherry Hill NJ 08002
Begin Your Journey to Better Health

Chiropractic doctors are skilled in assessing the source of a whiplash injury and determining an effective plan.

Disc Injury
If your chronic back pain is being caused by a disc injury, you may benefit from chiropractic care in Cherry Hill NJ.

The source of your headaches and migraines is usually structural. Headache relief at our Cherry Hill NJ chiropractic clinic can help.

Auto Injury Care
If you need personal care and personal treatment for your personal injury... look no further than Calzaretto Chiropractic Center.

Back Pain
What if there was a solution that may be able heal your back pain without drugs or surgery?

Many people with vertigo seek out a Cherry Hill NJ chiropractor and find a great deal of improvement in their condition.

Auto Injury Cherry Hill NJ
Car accidents can be one of the most frightening and confusing experiences that a person can go through. Seeking proper care in a timely fashion is the most vital aspect of determining the overall outcome of your condition. This article is here to help you gain a basic understanding of how our chiropractors can help you with auto injuries in Cherry Hill NJ can help you and your family live well and recover from auto injuries.

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Calzaretto Chiropractic Center
Unfortunately, many people believe that the most serious injuries sustained following car accidents are immediately noticeable. There is also a misconception that only high speed or hard impact collisions can cause serious damage to a person’s body. Therefore, the first thing to remember when making the decision to seek appropriate care is to understand that a large number of injuries can occur following many different types of collisions.
Chiropractic Care For Auto Injury
A car traveling only 5 mph at the time of impact is capable of producing the forces necessary to cause whiplash injuries. While injuries such as fractures, cuts, concussions, and dislocations are immediately noticeable, other forms of damage to musculature, blood vessels, and nerves may not become evident for months or even years. Unfortunately, when these injuries become evident months and years down the road, insurance companies are often not held liable for reimbursement. Therefore it is important that you undergo a complete evaluation immediately following your accident by a health care professional familiar with these injuries. Your doctor at Calzaretto Chiropractic Center is here to help you in this process.
A Better Care Option
For many decades, chiropractic care for auto accidents in Cherry Hill NJ has been shown to be a viable solution for the treatment of whiplash and many other injuries sustained during car accidents. This affordable and non-invasive form of care has been documented by countless research studies to be the most effective treatment for alleviating symptoms of headaches, neck pain, loss of motion, shoulder pain, and dizziness.
One article, published in the Journal of the Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedists, showed spinal adjustments to be the most effective form of treatment for decreasing pain and increasing motion in the neck when compared to other various surgical, alternative, and medicinal forms of treatment.

How Can My Chiropractor Help?
As mentioned previously, chiropractors are one of the few primary healthcare providers who specialize in caring for the musculoskeletal system. If these seemingly minor injuries are not corrected, they often produce a waterfall effect leading to multiple neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms.
Finding a doctor who is able to address each area is important. Our team at Calzaretto Chiropractic Center in Cherry Hill NJ will create an individualized treatment plan that encompasses chiropractic adjustments, active and passive physical therapy, exercise programs, and possibly nutritional modifications to help speed up the recovery process.

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